In the summer of 2007, Mike assisted in obtaining a young filly that was recently purchased by Sonja Woehlecke of Red Rock, AZ, from Dorothy Hallock of Phoenix, AZ, for the purpose of being started by Buddy Uldrikson for 90 days. The conditions were that the owner needed to be available one day a week for riding of the filly and a two on one session from Buddy and Mike. This project was an overwhelming success in that a young filly was started and the owner received a program that is available to very few.
During 60 days in May and June, 2008, Big Al Dante and Nancy Rae Lee were exposed to the same program with incredible results. This program includes photographing each weekly session and showing the horse's progress, but more importantly shows the owner/rider’s progress with their own horse. This approach takes a significant investment of time and effort by the owner/rider to succeed and they have to be dedicated to the program.
All too often, horses and colts are sent to a “trainer” to be started and it then goes home and the owner has no idea on how to continue with the horse. It is also true, more advanced owners can go ahead, but the outcome is far from certain. However, if that person happens to be a horseman with the teaching abilities of Buddy Uldrikson, a completely different result occurs with the horse and owner.
Both Sonja and Nancy Rae Lee took their horses home and had a library of hundreds of photos showing each stage of progress with themselves the horse first, and a full program to follow when they went home. Each participated in a 3-4 hour clinic each and every week. Buddy did a superb job with each horse and worked on perfecting his teaching skills every week. The weekly sessions of the three of us brought out points of horsemanship that is not available in any other way - a program truly tailored to each horse and their owner.